Look out your windows and see some greenery growing in your yard. That is the first thing you need to create a DIY centerpiece for your holiday table. Gather up a few different types of stems and if you do not have enough of a selection you can go to your nearest garden center.
You can also add some blossoms and other stems with beading on them and pine cones etc. (if they do not have pine cones go to a craft store). At the craft store you will find everything you need to complete the arrangement. It is perfectly ok to mix real live stems with faux accessories.

You can also add some berries to sprinkle over the centerpiece and some shiny ornaments peeking out of the greenery is always pretty.
To set this so it doesn’t slip and slide use some floral foam to secure the larger stems. Before that cut the foam into a size that fits into the container for the centerpiece.
If you have the time you could add a few little containers filled with sprigs and small buds and put them around the room. Just use your imagination.

Keep in mind that whether you are interested in buying a home or selling a home, a Realtor should represent you– this person is working for your benefit and will help you navigate through the buying or selling process. I have thirteen years in New Home Sales and seventeen years in General Real Estate sales! We have celebrated selling both New and Resale Homes for over thirty years…..
I am here to answer any questions you might have – just email or call me.
Thanks and make it a terrific day…………Robin